SHINee and SHINee Jr hugged each other. It's like they didn't meet for a year.Actually one day..
Taemin hugged Lee Yeon.
"I really miss you!"
"So do I, hyung!"
"Lee Yeon!", Onew called.
Lee Yeon hugged him as well.
"How are you guys? Did that ahjumma act strict?", asked Onew, still hugging Lee Yeon.
"Err, i must admitted it, she IS strict.", He Xu agreed.
"I never can fight back that ahjumma. I'll stay in that academy forever if i done that.", JongHyun sighed.
"..and i didn't want to stay here forever!", said He Xu.
"Wait a minute, forever? You'll be here for only one year is it?", the manager confused.
"Oh, you didn't know anything about this hyung, believe me.", JongHyun turned to his manager.
"You guys must tell me all the story later, okay?"
"Okayy..", said SHINee in unison.
"So, what should we do now?", Key asked.
"Let's go to our room first, we.. are very pierced here.", Hee Ri looked around.
"Yes, but, oppa, all students in the academy known you all is it?", Je Seo asked.
"Surely they do."
"I'm not sure about this."
JongHyun wears his hoodie on, to covered up his face, so do the others, Key covered his face with his cap.
They stepped into the academy carefully.
The woman in front of the lobby immediately recognize them.
"Oh, you?", asked the woman in high pitch.
"Good morning noona. It sure nice to meet you again, after... a year?", Onew stuttered.
"Good morning to you too."
"Can we.. just.. go inside?"
"Sure.", the woman answered immediately. "But i didn't take responsibilities to hide you all from our students."
"Oh, sure no worries.", Onew bowed. "Thank you."
"Come on come on!", JongHyun pushes his students forward.
The students that were sitting in the training room were shocked after seeing a bunch of people with SHINee Jr running around.
Taemin was running too fast that he lost his cap.
"Uh oh!", Taemin immediately bowed to pick it up and run away.
"YOU SEE THAT?", asked one of the trainees shocked.
"That's Taemin-oppa!", shouted a girl.
"Then they must be their seniors SHINee!", shouted the girls. They tried to chase them.
"TAEMIN!", JongHyun glared.
"I didn't do it on purpose!"
Immediately they ran into Hee Ri's room and shut the door.
All the trainees knocked the door.
"SHINee Oppa!"
"Open up!"
Onew standing in front of the door.
"You must be ashamed! They come here to visit their juniors! And you all made a chaos with breaking the door! One week training room cleaning!", the woman commanded.
The woman walked out from the room strictly.
"She sure didn't change.", Jonghyun admired the woman.
"Yeah, i still trembled when i heard she talking.", Taemin trembled.
SHINee and their juniors sitting on the corner of the training room, after gave the trainees some autographs.
"So, how's academy?", Key asked.
"Horrible.", answered Lee Yeon.
"Boring.", answered Je Seo.
"Hell.", answered He Xu.
"HE XU!"
MinHo giggled. "I've known it you'll be say that. This academy was boring."
"But for one year training, it'll not be a long time. Just let it flow.", Onew gave advice.
"Without you in the dorm, it felt so quiet.", Taemin sighed.
"There is Onew-hyung there.", said Hee Ri.
"Onew-hyung was very busy! He even got a job this evening, so he'll be gone back earlier than us!", Key shouted.
"Not fun!", JongHyun sticked his tongue to Onew.
"Ahh, i still want to play with you guys!", Onew groaned.
"Too bad, Onew-oppa, i guess you'll be staying for dinner.", Je Seo sighed.
"I'd like to, but i can't..", answered Onew disappointed.
"Dinner? That's a good idea. How if we take you all for lunch this afternoon? I'll toke the lady's permission.", suggest Taemin.
"Yeah, let's eat lunch together!", Key excited.
"Ehm, by the way, when can you guys come here again?", He Xu asked.
All SHINee stopped. "Hm, when we have free-schedule we promised we'll go here.", answered Onew.
"Oh, if i can't join you, just go by yourselves guys.", said Onew to his dongsaengs.
"Okay then hyung.", JongHyun embraced his hyung.
"JongHyun can go back here anytime. "Everyday is holiday for him.", said Key.
"What do you mean by that?", JongHyun glared.
"Sorry, for made you all come here, it sure take a long time to got here.", Je Seo apologized.
"No, no, we're very happy to gone here, we even forced manager-hyung."
Je Seo giggled.
Onew shocked.
Son Ja hugged him from the back.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?", JongHyun shouted.
"Son Ja?", Onew shocked.
"I knew it that you still remembered me! How about our relationship?", asked Son Ja.
Je Seo and the others frozed.
"Ree.. relationship?", JongHyun stuttered. "HYUUNG?"
tobecontinued ;p