my favorite quote

[I] am [L]ucky t[o] ha[ve] a friend like [you] #DRT

Jumat, 30 Juli 2010

i a m t o o l a z y

I have just passed one week of school!

I got new friends, new class, and hey, my class isn't too bad.
I am myself didn't really close to my new friends at 9E, but i think i like it a little bit >:D

I really really miss my beloved class 8B, nothing can compared it!
9 grades such a.. yeah, a place-that-didn't-have-much-fun or something like that

I've made my goals too, yeah my goals settings for this one year straight from now, those are..
i will not get any scores below 75, *i guess but i didn't know if it will work with me though
i will passed UAN !! *that is a must! no matter what, yeah..
i will more concentrate this year.. *yeah i hope so *sigh
i hope i got all that goals..
and about my lessons, yeah, i still a bit scared when i walk in to my english class.
Yeah, my teacher, a bit strict, but she is a very good english teacher!

I just hoping i can pass this year with my smile on :)
*sorry for my badgrammar i'm on this

Senin, 26 Juli 2010

first day of school

okay, my class wasn't like what i thought of it in my head..
but, after a looong long holiday, i thought i forgot everything, and many
gosh i can't do this!
i'm too lazy T___T

Minggu, 25 Juli 2010

back to school!

tomorrow, my school gonna starts
gosh i guess i have forgot EVERYTHING acout school

hey tomorrow still monday is it? hehee

Kamis, 22 Juli 2010

i hate my life

oh gosh i really really hate myself!
i can't made any decision, and now? i trapped between my parent's busyness and my friends?
oke friends? i don't think that way..


sometimes, i think that i better have no friends, but, i hate being alone too ya'know?
complicated feelings.

Even my classmates, friends at school, sometimes i just.. no, i didn't hate them, i just need more privacy for myself!
But in fact i hate being alone.
I want tell this story to my besties, but, ya.. i don't want to bother her much more, she has her own problems which yeah.. MORE MORE complicated than me. And another, he, he's not here, i just hoping he's here and yelling all day, make me laugh. Two of you. :(
k, that's the hint, why i can't stand this problem?
i'm just weak.. weak little brat
but i hate mature person.
I'm just an ordinary girl, but i believe my EXTRAORDINARY GOD!
i believe HIM please help me

Although i'm destined to become sea foam
I will always love you no matter whats happening
After disolving into the ocean and sky
I will always watch over you.

I wanted to clo-ser to the blue starry
sky that you would sleep un-der every night and
I longed for that day to-come to me in the o-
cean but when it came it seemed it wasn't perfect

The first feelings in my little life
how heartbreaking love can be if your not ready for all of its endless pain

Even though my legs ache every step i take
i will always love you no matter whats happening
i can't dance or live like a normal girl
but i'll always watch over you.

I realized that it's- impossible to reach
that star resting upon- your beautiful castle
It dosen't matter how- loud i scream cause i know
that you will not be a-ble to hear my voice oh

Suddenly my sisters- apear at the shoreline
And bringing me a knife, tell me if i kill him
I will be able to- live without the strong curse

I will sing, i will sing, Forever to you
Even though you cannot hear a word that i'm singing

Even though you can't hear a word that i say
I will never stop singing because that is what i love
Hoping that it will reach you and i can live
Even though i know that it can't.

Although i'm destined to become sea foam
I will always love you no matter whats happening
After disolving into the ocean and sky
I will always watch over you.

okay i'm in mermaid-fever again :D

Senin, 19 Juli 2010

okay, this blog has just turned up to be a diary haha
hey there!
k, it still 5 months to go?

what for? ow, that's..

i'm waiting for my besties, who was in dormitory right now, i wondered when he can contact us again, yeah me, and his VERY VERY SPECIAL person, his girlfriend.
don't make we waiting, you punk! come back here as soon as possible!
I miss our call-conversation, three of us. And, your gf, really really miss you, gosh how can boys being so selfish?

hey, when you came back, remind me to yell at you!
how are you there friend?
are you sick?
did you miss your gf?
did you change?

gosh my head was full of this mess.
come on , she miss you

Sabtu, 17 Juli 2010

pandora hearts

okay this anime/manga going to made me crazy

it is Pandora Hearts
about a boy(Oz Bezarius) who made a contract with B-Rabbit, and now Oz, Alice(B-Rabbit) and Gilbert, his servant are in a journey to find Alice's memories fragment, destroy Baskervilles, and find the truth about the Tragedy of Sabrie 100 years ago.

“Although I’m weak and full of flaws, I will never stop moving forward. No matter who I am, no other than myself will create my own existence. No matter what others may think or feel, I will still move forward as myself.”
- Oz Bezarius

can't wait for season 2!

Selasa, 13 Juli 2010

i miss you guys really ..

hey geng didi!
i know you can't hear me teehee :D:D

gosh i miss you guys, JenXinPenDyRiRaSurNaRishBriSherCak...
and many more!

remember our first gathering?
wkwk masih pada malu2 kucing, pada diem2an...
inside: risha,cerek,jen,xin,cak,me,bri photo by rio

second gath, mulai gila2an karoke dll.. sayang banyak yg ga bisa dtg..
kita maen bowling, sampe jato2an wkkw
inside: jen,cerek,me,xin,cak,rio,bri,ody

kita sampe nganter cakra sama2 ke bandara! wkwk pada inget ga? cakra beli pulpy banyak bgt, sampe kita minta pramugari fotoin.. duh kangennya..

A half year later...
efek gath atau gimana akhirnya, sebelum gath besar aye sama sinta, cakra, jen, rio dll gath duluan wkkw jalan2 duluan ke gading, empo, nonton2 pump, maen2...
ketemu cosplayer..
maen2 di empo..
sampai saatnya! gath besar wkwk
*terus nyuri2 gath lagi sih wkkw hey guys..
i really really miss you :(

Kangen waktu pertama kali ketemu pricil, kita maen karambol di timezone pake dua pemukul! akwkawawk. Ngerjain sinta pas cakra dateng ke jakarta, ngasih hadiah kenang2an, maen ice skate buat yang kedua kalinya..
sampe karokean pake kerincingan! wkwk *ujung2 jadi perang bantal sofa
gw pertama kali berani maen pump juga gara2 kalian nih! malahketagianjadinya
maen pump sampe keringetan di TA, sampe orang2 pada ngantri ga sabaran wkwk! MOI beda lagi,disana ko brian juga nyoba2 maen, cakra juga, wkkw sama kewalahan!
Ada segerombol cewe lagi disana, lagu gampang aja ber5an di mesin pump astaga..
sampe nyindir2an .. WKWK GAUL DAH!

I know things have changed, but i believed we'll see each other again in a half year,
just wait for that day

N.B: my best friend in the dormitory, and his gf, i'll pray for you

Minggu, 11 Juli 2010

it's the first time i wake up in the monday morning and feeling good :D:D

DH emang liburnya uda kelewat lama, hari ini semua temen2 uda masuk skolah, gw menjamur dah di rumah..
liburan masih lama tapi tetep aja les kevin tetep berlanjut.
Apalagi kemaren gw baru selesai teaching project!

damn cool!

yah, tapi ga tau ke depannya nanti, taun depan masih ada teaching project lg, pngen deh kelasnya kea sekarang :(

uda sekitar tiga minggu juga salah satu temen gw netep di asrama, sepi juga ya, beda kalo ga ada dia, ga sama :( yang pastinya taun ajaran kali ini mungkin ga seseru kelas 8.
jadi pengen gathering lagi, males rasanya bangun pagi lagi nanti..

my holiday is coming to a close...
Goodbye my bed

why don't you see me?

Always watch where you are going.
Otherwise, you may step on a piece
of the forest that was left out by mistake.

i dit it again..

hey, i tried, i tried to step that way, but i can't

i always gone to the wrong way
everywhere i go

please see me..
and led my way

Sabtu, 10 Juli 2010

can you feel the feelings of abandoned mermaid?

i got this title from my friend,
luka is a mermaid, she felt in love with the prince whom she has rescued
she lost her voice because of signing contract with the sea witch in order
to get legs, so she can meet him.
But actually, the prince never love her, he'll marry someone else.
Her sister, knowing luka will never made it, exchanged their hair with a silver knife
to canceled the contract, luka must kill the prince.

But, she can't do it..
now she dissapeared, became a sea foam, forever..

i felt it, do you?