my favorite quote

[I] am [L]ucky t[o] ha[ve] a friend like [you] #DRT

Jumat, 24 September 2010

taiwankoreavacation :D:D

I wasn't updating my blog lately, that because of my vacation to korea and taiwan :D:D
it is pretty fun, but just yeah, i can't wake up late..
It is 8th of september, and i and my family gone to airport at 12 pm and have a lunch there. At 2 pm, our plane landing, we're going to taiwan! :)
@taiwan's gor
the soldiers looked exactly like a statue yahh but they made me surprised a couple of time..
@road to mom's bridge
i forgot the name of the places but i love my hair there ;p the place was cold, and rainy, it must be our unlucky day..
@nami island
winter sonata's shooting places, it isn't as good as i thought, because it isn't winter yet
*sigh but the landscapes looked pretty :)
@wax museum korea 63 building :D:D
there are michael jackson's, Daddy JC's, Vincent Van Gogh's, Chopin's, statue :)
The FUNTASTIC show was really amazing!
(gw stop dlu dah post pake inggris capek)
kira2 begini sinopsisnya...
ada cewe sama cowo, dikasih suling (cwe) sama gendang eh drum (cowo)
buat dimainin buat kedamaian dunia, kira2 begitu. Tapi cowonya serakah, maenin drum terus, ampe ceweknya pingsan (loh?) jadinya ceweknya marah, dia ancurin drum cowonya, ternyata dewa marah, soalnya itu pusaka dewa, cewek pun dimasukin ke neraka. Dia harus ketemuin kedua pusaka (suling sama drum) sebelum hari ke 100 ato dia bakal terus2an di neraka.
pokoknya tuh cewek ketemu reinkarnasi cowo yg megang drum, tapi di dunia modern.
Cowo itu ada temen empat, cewe dua cowo dua. ada satu cowo kribo (kocak) yang nemui sulingnya, terus dipake buat benerin klakson mobil (what?)
kocak bgt deh pas nyanyi nobody2, apalagi cowo pemeran utamanya keliling penonton pake tali kea tarzan bagiin permen (ga efisien nih permen dilempar2) dan saya sayangnya tidak dapat (sedih)

*saya akui selama perjalanan di dalam bus seoul saya berusaha mencari idol korea nyasar

Mempersingkat, besoknya kita berangkat ke Everland.
Sumpah paradenya bagus bgt, lagunya enak, wahananya seru2 (apakarenaefekudahlamagakedufan)
pengen balik lagi, yg plg keren disana, cewe2 bahkan cowok pake bando kuping binatang/pita GEDEEE banget tanpa harus malu2. Akhirnya uang jajan 10 000 won yg dikasih nyokap harus dibelanjain juga ;p
team photo @everland

Kita banyak ke tempat yang lain, korea enak banget, pengen balik lagi kesini biarpun lidahnya ga cocok sama kimchi ato bibimbap.
Sampe pake acara kaki lebam2 ga bisa jalan dll, ketemu anak korea yang ngajak kenalan, sampe belanja2 di Myeondong district.
someday i'll comeback here again!
Bandara Taiwan sebelum balik ke Jakarta, well vacation over!


Jumat, 17 September 2010

I don't understand a God that would allow us to meet when there is no way for us to be together #TLF

My hands tremble more. I’ll lose my focus shortly
Why my broken legs standing here
I can’t even remember, I become scared
Where are you, who has laughing until just now
(Why) Have fun noises left me? You’re far away
(Why) Is it getting dim? These scars are like shackles
Curse me, curse me for letting go
My collapsed heart is screaming
Don’t throw me away, don’t leave me alone
Want you, I want you like crazy
Your lips that left me shouldn’t love
Don’t love me, I threw you away
All I wanted was simply to give you an endless love
I had no idea that more excessive love would strangle you
Those days when I was torn from my wounded heart
A love that lost its way, I fill up with tears
(Why) Is it that I still only bring out sad hellos
(Why) Just until today, don’t push me away
I hope that you’ll catch on
That I’m a different you
I even embrace your. Nightmare from last night
Don’t let go of my hand
Your side, your side that has become cold
Don’t leave me, my torn heart. Don’t become even further away
Although I’m holding your hand
Remember, end it, I can’t forget you
I won’t forget my pain of being thrown away
I can’t forget it, you gave it to me
Even the reason I love became a sin
The deep wounds slowly. Burnt up and turned to ash
But to forget will be more painful than to lose it
As I kill my breath, I’m going to die. From the agony of goodbye
Bring it back to that moment
Don’t throw me away

Sabtu, 04 September 2010

Why was Snow White given a poisoned apple?
- to show us that not everyone is gonna be
kind & not everyone is really who
they say they are

Why did Cinderella run away at midnight?
- to remind us that everything does
have its limitations
, even dreams.

Why did Ariel exchange her fins for feet?
- to show us that people are willing
to give up anything to be with who they love
to just be happy.

Why did Aurora sleep for 1OO years?
- to tell us that you might have to wait for
quite some time for your true love to come
, sometimes very long,
but its always worth it.

Why did Princess Jasmine fall for Aladdin?
- to let us know that what the heart wants,
it wants it no matter what

Why was Belle in love with a Beast?
- to remind us that you cant really help whats
on the outside, but if the inside is beautiful,
then nothing will stand in the way of your love

that's so truee =')

Jumat, 03 September 2010

SHINee hello last Gift baby book

=') byebye yoogeun <3<3
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
Life's too short to be anything but happy.

truly i didn't feel like hoping again today