my favorite quote

[I] am [L]ucky t[o] ha[ve] a friend like [you] #DRT

Sabtu, 04 Desember 2010

100 Truths

  1. Real name: Jessyca Leonardjaya

  2. Nickname: Jessy, Jess, Leo? err

  3. Zodiac Sign: Aries

  4. Male or female: female

  5. Elementary School: Kalam Kudus

  6. High School: Dian Harapan / Penabur

  7. Eye Color: dark black

  8. Hair color: dark black (i hope i have different color)

  9. tall or short: middle

  10. Sweats or Jeans: jeans

  11. Phone or Camera: Phone

  12. Health freak: nope

  13. Orange or Apple: Apple

  14. Piercings: not even one

  15. Pepsi or Coke: neither!


  1. Been in an airplane: Yes

  2. Been in train: Yes

  3. Been in a car accident: never hope so

  4. Been in a fist fight: Not quite

  5. First piercing: None

  6. First best friend: Cindy

  7. First award: Colouring contest

  8. First crush: Began with "B"

  9. First word: Mama? or Pa?

  10. Last person you talked to in person: My grandauntie

  11. Last person you texted: Tifvannie

  12. Last person/s you watched a movie with: Michella and Tifvannie

  13. Last food you ate: what? Ehm, bistik

  14. Last movie you watched: Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows

  15. Last song you listened to: SHINee - Love Still Goes On

  16. Last thing you bought: ultramilk (?)

  17. Last person you hugged: sister


  1. Food: Pempek! (?)

  2. Drinks: Green Tea

  3. Bottoms: legging!

  4. Flower: sunflower

  5. Animal: penguin?

  6. Color: black and pastels

  7. Movies: disney <3

  8. Subjects: Art

  9. [X] fallen in love with someone.

  10. [ ] celebrated Halloween.

  11. [X] had your heart broken.

  12. [X] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.

  13. [ ] had someone question my sexual orientation.

  14. [ ] got pregnant

  15. [ ] had an abortion.

  16. [X] did something I regret.

  17. [X] broke a promise.

  18. [X] hid a secret.

  19. [X] pretended to be happy.

  20. [X] met someone who changed your life.

  21. [X] pretended to be sick.

  22. [X] left the country

  23. [X] tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it.

  24. [X] cried over the silliest thing.

  25. [ ] ran a mile.

  26. [ ] went to the beach with your best friend.

  27. [X] got into an argument with your friends.

  28. [X] hated someone.

  29. [X] made new friends this year who are like your good friends now


  1. Eating: Nothing

  2. Drinking: mineral water

  3. Listening: SHINee -Lucifer

  4. Sitting/Laying: Sitting

  5. Plans for today: nothing

  6. Waiting: christmas!


  1. Want kids?: a cute son and a beautiful daughter who look like me! <3

  2. Want to get married?: why of course.

  3. Career: doctor or.. psychologist ?


  1. Lips or eyes: eyes

  2. Shorter or taller: taller

  3. Romantic or spontaneous? Spontaneous

  4. Nice stomach or nice arms?: Arms

  5. Looks or personality? Personality


  1. Lost glasses/contacts: glasses, once

  2. Snuck out of a house: noo

  3. Held a gun/knife for self defense: oh no.

  4. Killed somebody: no

  5. Broken someone’s heart: don't know

  6. Been in love: Yes

  7. Cried when someone died?: yes.


  1. Yourself: Yes

  2. Miracles: might be?

  3. Love at first sight: yessss

  4. Heaven: yes!

  5. Santa Clause: till now yes :)

  6. Sex on the first date: euw. no

  7. Kiss on the first date: ne


  1. Do you know who your real friends are? perhaps

  2. Do you believe in God?: YES!

  3. Post as 100 truths? bring it on!

    taken from other blog: tiffanywilliam's

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