my favorite quote

[I] am [L]ucky t[o] ha[ve] a friend like [you] #DRT

Jumat, 19 November 2010

SHINee Jr's SM Academy Life Part 29

JongHyun replaced his helmet.
They have arrived in front of the studio where SHINee Jr was filming their mv.

Onew trembled for a second.
"Should we go in?"
"Why of course you babo."
"You first."

Onew stepped back and gave JongHyun a way for himself.

"You.. oh hyung stop being ridiculous!", JongHyun turned around and pushed Onew to the building.
"Ani! JongHyuuun!"

"Onew? JongHyun?", Manager Kim who has just want to go home shocked to look his two idols pushing each other in front of a studio.

"What were you two doing!", Manager Kim separated Onew and JongHyun.
"Ah, hyung.", JongHyun calms down.
"You two want to see your dongsaeng?"
Onew and JongHyun looked at each other, and then nodded.

"Oh, that was very nice of you. Just go into the third studio, they was preparing.", Manager Kim embraced his two idols back.
"Hyung, gomawo."

Manager Kim gave them a smile.
He looked like a parent that gave goodbye's smile to his son.


JongHyun and Onew gulped. They carefully stepped into the building.
The staffs looked pretty surprise to see them.

"Whoah, it's SHINee SHINee.", some staffs whispered.
"Onew-ssi was here too. You think that scandal is true?"

JongHyun glared to all the staffs around them. He pushes Onew forward.
"You chicken, walk faster!", JongHyun glared.
"That MinHo MinHo! Flaming Charisma!", Onew shouted.
"You dork! Faster!"

After catch a glance at studio 3's door, JongHyun immediately opens the door and locked it from inside.
They looked around.
It is a big set. Some cushions and chairs. Black and white background everywhere.

The Director approaching them, it is the same director as the director who was preparing their Ring Ding Dong's set, no doubt it is similar.
"Jin Ki! JongHyun!", the director called.
"Ah! Hyungg!"

Onew come hugged his ex-director.
"Oww, you have grown so much! JongHyun, honestly i like your Ring Ding Dong's hair better."
JongHyun patted his hair. "Is it?"

"Your juniors will be ready in a minute. They will looked totally different!"
JongHyun made a amazed face. "Whoaah, will they?"
"Of cou.."

"We're ready!"

Onew, JongHyun, and the director turn their head.
SHINee Jr stepped into the room, with all the costumes for the first filming ready.

"Whoah!", Onew shouted.

Hee Ri stepped in first, his hair was split to half.
His muscles were clearly noticeable.
Lee Yeon was pouting, his hair was upside down.
He Xu's hair was straightened, so does Ne a.

Je Seo shocked after hearing Onew's and JongHyun's voice.
She immediately step back.

"Je Seo~ah! Come on we don't have!", He Xu tried to pull her sunbae.
"Ani! I looked so.. bad!"
Onew take a closer step.
"Ah! Oppa!"

Je Seo's hair was dyed blonde with some brown stripes.
It looked good with her.

Onew stared for a second.

"Kyeopta kyeopta.", JongHyun clapped his hands.
"He Xu was cute too!", Ne a pulled He Xu forward.
"Heehh, that's nothing cute about her.", JongHyun laughs.

"Err, you jerky."

Je Seo tried to covered her face.
"Weir..d? It is?"

Onew just smiled.
"No, not at all. Kyeopta kyeopta.", but he turns his head immediately.
"You're not facing me! It must be weird!", Je Seo complained.

"He want to say something but he can't.", JongHyun embraced his hyung.

Je Seo slowly brings down her arms. "Gomawo."
"Aigoo, you're so cute!", Ne a pinched Je Seo's cheek.

He Xu giggling.
JongHyun glanced at her slowly.

"You've got something around your eyes."
"That's eyelashes."
"Trying to looked mature huh? You're still a brat."
"And you're still cocky.", He Xu sticks her tongue.

JongHyun laughs.
"Good luck."
"I'll make you impressed!"
"Heee, made me!"

The director shouted loudly.
The director stopped and squints for a second.

"JongHyun~ah, don't be a loveydovey over there! Bring He Xu here!"

JongHyun and He Xu blushed.
"Who's lovey dovey!"

tobecontinued ;p

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