my favorite quote

[I] am [L]ucky t[o] ha[ve] a friend like [you] #DRT

Rabu, 03 November 2010

SHINee Jr's SM Academy Life part 9

Je Seo ran hurriedly to her room.
He Xu surprised.

"Why are you.."

Hee Ri's head popped out from the door.
"This is the first time i looked she slammed the door."

Je Seo throw out all the clothes and things in her baggage.
One of her clothes landed on He Xu's face.

"Are you insane? Huuh Huuh!", He Xu slapped all the clothes.
"Mianhe! I was searching for something!", Je Seo opened another baggage.
"AH!", Je Seo looked that she has found what she searching for.

"What do you want to search?", He Xu stepped in front.

Je Seo pulled out the cow doll. It seems that she placed the doll too deep in her bunch of clothes and soaps.
"Aigooo! I've found it!"
She immediately search for the pocket, she groped the doll's pocket and she stopped.

"What's wrong?"

Je Seo sit in silence, she grabs something on her palm.

"What do you .."
"No no! Don't come here!"
He Xu raised her eyebrow. "LET ME SEE!"
"NO YOU CAN'T!", Je Seo ran to the training room, she opened up the lavatory's door and locked it from inside.


Hee Ri shocked. "What happened to her?"
"It looked that she found something inside that doll's pocket."
"What is it?"
"She won't let me looked at it!"

Je Seo carefully opened up her palm.
There is a small bracelet there. It looked that it is handmade.
The pendant looked miserably placed, that must be Onew's handmade.

There's one pendant that made her shocked.

A 온유 pendant.

Je Seo almost tearing when she saw the pendant.
"Gomawo, Onew-oppa.", Je Seo murmured.


"What do you whispered to her?", MinHo asked from the front seat.
"I'm sleeepingg..."
"You're lying! We're friends right? Say it hyung."

Onew made a fake snooring sound.

Taemin giggling.
"That meant he didn't want to tell you."

"Oh, don't be so stingy."

The manager laughing.
"You all seems so energetic after meeting your juniors."
Taemin and MinHo smiling. "Why of course!"
"When we have free-scheduled day again hyung?", Taemin asked from the back seat.

"Oh, don't be so excited with that. If you're free from schedule everyday your idol status will be useless."

Taemin stopped.
"Hey, that's right."

Onew covered up his face with car's pillows. He looked outside.
It is dark already. The day off with their juniors has over.

"Hyung! I know you're awake! Say something to me!", MinHo stretch his body to grabs Onew.
"ARGH! Get off from me! Taeminnn! HELP!", Onew tried to yanked back.
"You will say something to JongHyun-hyung later but not with us?"
"You believe in THAT JONGHYUN-HYUNG more than with US?", MinHo flaming charisma is back.

"I'm nooot!"

Taemin giggling.
"Stop it MinHo-hyung!"


JongHyun and Key being picked up by Key's manager.
Key's manager was very chatty. He talked non-stop.

"Okay, i'm become sick of this.", JongHyun murmured.
"I'm going to sleep."

Key giggled. He continued chatting with his manager.

"So, Ki Bum, are you and JongHyun-ssi got another job together next time?"
"Of course we do. You don't mind if i tell you to pick up us to the academy again is it?"
"Oh, of course nottt! Your students were very good and cute!"
"CUTE?", JongHyun shoots up.

"Of course they are!", Key slapped JongHyun back till he nearly falls.
"Look! We've arrived!"

Unfortunately, at the same time. SHINee's manager, Onew, Taemin, and MinHo arrived too.

"Ah! You're back so late!", Key said, jumped out from the car. JongHyun followed, scratching his head.
"You two must be have a goodtime!", Taemin blows his cheeks.
"No, not at all! He Xu and JongHyun keeps arguing!"

Hello Hello nareum daero yongil daesseoyo

"Oops, that's mine.", JongHyun pulled out his cellphone.
Key looked curiously at JongHyun.
Suddenly with one *bash! he grabbed the cellphone from JongHyun's hand.


Key ran away to look at JongHyun's message.

Sub: [nosub]

Really? Hahaha that's must be hard time! But at least i myself will feel comfortable with
all Key oppa's nagging. Never made me bored. Lol

Key called.



tobetcontinued ;p

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